
History & Development

Aboriginal Settlement

Did you know?

Aboriginal people arrived in Australia over 50,000 years ago.

They may have traveled from Asia across land bridges
that were exposed when sea levels were lower.

European Settlement

 Did you know?

Dutch explorers first landed in Australia in 1606,
and the British began to settle there in 1788.

Many settlers were criminals
sent to live in Australia as punishment.

The Australian (National) Flag

Did you know?

The Australian (National) Flag was first flown in 1901.

The design is a combination of,

the British 'Union Jack',
the 'Commonwealth Star',

(a large 7 point star that symbolises Australia's states & territories),

& five smaller stars that represent the
'Southern Cross' constellation.

The Australian (Aboriginal) Flag

Did you know?

The Australian (Aboriginal) Flag
is another official Flag of Australia.

It was designed in 1971.

The colors represent,

black for the Aboriginal people of Australia,
the red represents the red earth &
the yellow represents the sun.